Sunday, March 29, 2015

Knight’s Templar, Scotland and Mysticism with Hugh Gilbert

The 7 Chakra points are discussed and how the magnetic flows of the earth line up with those points and what planet lines up with that geographical point on the earth.

The names of the town/country of each point is named starting at 09:50 through 11:15; 11:15 through 12:40 he discusses the 8th point at a mountain called Schiehallion, and Adepts would have instinctively known to go there after completion of their studies in the previous seven points.

8- Schiehallion is sometimes described as the centre of Scotland. The justification is that the line of latitude midway between the most northerly and southerly points on the Scottish mainland, and the line of longitude midway between the most easterly and westerly points, intersect very near the summit of Schiehallion.

7- Rosslyn Chapel, Scotland; Saturn
6- Amien, France; Jupiter
5- Notre Dame, France; Mars
4- Chartres, France; Sun
3- Orleans, France; Venus
2- Toulouse, France; Mercury
Santiago de Compostela, Spain; Moon

It is documented that the Knights Templar had cathedrals and training centers built at all these locations, and used them for training new Knights, each Knight spending one year of training at each location.

Geocentric medieval scheme of the seven planets: In the centre "Terra" the earth. 

In the following circles (from centre to periphery) 1) Luna (Moon), 2) Stella Mercuri (Mercury) 3) Venis stella (Venus) 4) Sol (Sun) 5) Martis stella (Mars) 6) Jovis stella (Jupiter) 7) Saturni stella (Saturn) [1162 AD]

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Resources for Aspiring Writers

Lecturing on Masonic Writing

Reproduced here with the kind permission of WBro. John Hairston of The Phylaxis Society

Lectures on Critical Reading of Masonic Literature

          Reproduced here with the kind permission of Albert McClelland of WEOFM

From the website of Cornerstone Book Publishers

From the Foundation for Critical Thinking

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Mystery of the Apron by Bro. Dennis Reel

The Mystery of the Apron is a story originally shared by Bro. Dennis Reel of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina and a story written by Jackie Bridges of The Shelby Star in Shelby, North Carolina.

I AM sharing the story on my blog as I found it to be very interesting. I hope you all agree.

Published: Monday, March 18, 2013 at 11:05 AM.
A Mason’s ceremonial lamb skin apron is a record of achievement – the badge of a Mason. The majority of Masons are buried with the apron around them or it is passed down to the family.
“A Mason knows where the apron is at all times and the family knows where it is to be able to use it at the funeral,” said Dennis C. Reel.
When an apron dated 1919 was found in a shoebox recently by the Masons at Cleveland Lodge No. 202 in Shelby, they called Reel to come and take a look.
The name written on the apron was H.C. Johnson and his lodge was Orient Lodge No. 395 in Wilmington.
“I’m a life member at the Lodge in Wilmington,” said Reel, who moved to Cleveland County in 2005. “I can visit any lodge in the world. They know I’m from Wilmington and that I visit a lot of lodges.”
Reel and the others are wondering how the apron ended up in Shelby and would like to return it to Johnson’s relatives. Returning the apron is important, because of the values of Masonry, he said.
“Free Masonry is not a religion, but we are religious in nature,” he said. “We believe in the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. We teach friendship, morality and brotherly love. It is my duty to see that this apron is returned to the family.”

If Reel can’t find any living relatives, he will deliver the apron to the Orient Lodge and it will be displayed there.
On the inside of the apron is recorded when Johnson received his First, Second and Third degrees. To receive each degree, a mason must recite the catechism.
“The catechism is not written down, it is passed down orally,” Reel said. “For this man to have gone through all three degrees in 50 days is unheard of.”
With the information he had, Reel contacted the Grand Lodge and found out the following.
Horace Clifton (H.C.) Johnson was born in Fayetteville in 1895 and died March 25, 1956. He was married to Esther Dew Johnson, who died July 3, 1996.
He received his First Degree July 7, 1919; his Second Degree, July 18, 1919; and his third degree Aug. 27, 1919. He lived at 3919 Sweetbriar Road, Wilmington, and paid his dues for 37 years. His daughter, Georgia Symmes, died July 6, 1993. She had two sons, Michael D. Symmes and Patrick Symmes .
If anyone has information about Johnson or his family, contact Reel at 704-937-0639 or email

3-15-2015 Addendum by Bro. Dennis Reel for this blog page:  FOLLOW-UP

The apron belonging to Bro. Horace Johnson has been returned and a link from the news source in Wilmington, NC is provided.

There will be a follow up on my blog about this and other Masonic stories of interest and historical significance.

Until then, do the best you can with what you have got!


Raymond Sean Walters a/k/a Renaissance Man
Twice Raised Freemason