With all of the current drama going on with the United Supreme Council AASR SJ Prince Hall Affiliation located in Memphis, Tennessee, this past research by Bro. Michael Poll of Cornerstone Book Publishers came to mind about another Scottish Rite Supreme Council... the Supreme Council of Louisiana AASRFM
The Hedge Mason: Michael Poll and the The Supreme Council of Louisi...: This post is about the original Scottish Rite Masonry of New Orleans. To give it its correct name, The Supreme Council of Louisiana. It wa...

I will be expressing my own personal views on a wide range of topics. Some of my personal views are known to really piss people off, which isn't my concern. Perhaps, if you get angry enough you will make effort to become part of a positive solution instead of perpetuating negative problems by your complicit silence? My personal views do not represent the official view(s) or position(s) of any organization that I belong to or may be connected with.
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Friday, November 13, 2015
Letter of Complaint about West Virginia DeMolay
Greetings Brethren!
My name is Raymond Sean Walters, a member of Internet Lodge No. 9659 in Manchester, United Kingdom, part of the Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire and warranted under The United Grand Lodge of England.
I currently reside in West Virginia, a GL territory that is openly hostile to Africans, African-Americans and other non-Caucasian ethnicities, even when these persons hold Masonic membership in regular, recognized lodges and grand lodges that Grand Lodge of West Virginia is in amity and fraternal recognition with.
I myself have been and am still denied ability to visit (and have been for 10 years). While Masonic visit is a privilege, not a right; denying visit for un-masonic reasons, then being vocally belligerent about it while trying to start a fight with the potential visitor is equally abhorrent in my personal opinion.
It was such an event that caused me to file a formal complaint with Grand Lodge of West Virignia in 2005, which is what caused MWBro. Frank Haas to become involved as the sitting Grand Master of Grand Lodge of West Virignia at that time.
West Virginia is the Grand Lodge that expelled a Past Grand Master without Masonic trial or charges of any kind filed, and other GL's have sat back and allowed this to happen. In fact, PGM Frank Haas was just denied his third appeal for restoration of his Masonic rights and privileges despite it being 8+ years since he was improperly expelled, and 5 years since winning a judgement against GL of WV in a civil court that ruled GL of WV had violated it own regulations regarding expulsion of PGM Haas.
The purpose of my post today is to inform you all that this foolishness surrounding this Grand Lodge of West Virignia has been and continues to affect and impact young children - boys who have interest in joining the DeMolay program in West Virginia.
These boys were first directed to the Knights of Pythagoras program, a program which is sponsored by Prince Hall Grand Lodges, but the last functioning chapter of KOP in Weirton, West Virginia no longer exists due to the members having "aged out". With the demise of that program, DeMolay is a parallel program these parents and boys were encouraged to look into.
Just today, I filed a formal letter of complaint with the Executive Director of DeMolay International, a Mr. Michael Russell at the Kansas office.
Though I have no children of eligible age to be part of DeMolay, I refuse to stand by and watch young boys be denied an opportunity based on nothing more than physical appearance.
My parents raised and taught me better than that. As a MAN I have enough sense to stand for myself, and for those who can't stand or defend themselves. As a Freemason, my obligations dictate that I take action and stand on basic moral principles of fairness and equality.
I AM including the body of the letter I sent today
My name is Raymond Sean Walters, a member of Internet Lodge No. 9659 in Manchester, United Kingdom, part of the Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire and warranted under The United Grand Lodge of England.
I currently reside in West Virginia, a GL territory that is openly hostile to Africans, African-Americans and other non-Caucasian ethnicities, even when these persons hold Masonic membership in regular, recognized lodges and grand lodges that Grand Lodge of West Virginia is in amity and fraternal recognition with.
I myself have been and am still denied ability to visit (and have been for 10 years). While Masonic visit is a privilege, not a right; denying visit for un-masonic reasons, then being vocally belligerent about it while trying to start a fight with the potential visitor is equally abhorrent in my personal opinion.
It was such an event that caused me to file a formal complaint with Grand Lodge of West Virignia in 2005, which is what caused MWBro. Frank Haas to become involved as the sitting Grand Master of Grand Lodge of West Virignia at that time.
West Virginia is the Grand Lodge that expelled a Past Grand Master without Masonic trial or charges of any kind filed, and other GL's have sat back and allowed this to happen. In fact, PGM Frank Haas was just denied his third appeal for restoration of his Masonic rights and privileges despite it being 8+ years since he was improperly expelled, and 5 years since winning a judgement against GL of WV in a civil court that ruled GL of WV had violated it own regulations regarding expulsion of PGM Haas.
The purpose of my post today is to inform you all that this foolishness surrounding this Grand Lodge of West Virignia has been and continues to affect and impact young children - boys who have interest in joining the DeMolay program in West Virginia.
These boys were first directed to the Knights of Pythagoras program, a program which is sponsored by Prince Hall Grand Lodges, but the last functioning chapter of KOP in Weirton, West Virginia no longer exists due to the members having "aged out". With the demise of that program, DeMolay is a parallel program these parents and boys were encouraged to look into.
Just today, I filed a formal letter of complaint with the Executive Director of DeMolay International, a Mr. Michael Russell at the Kansas office.
Though I have no children of eligible age to be part of DeMolay, I refuse to stand by and watch young boys be denied an opportunity based on nothing more than physical appearance.
My parents raised and taught me better than that. As a MAN I have enough sense to stand for myself, and for those who can't stand or defend themselves. As a Freemason, my obligations dictate that I take action and stand on basic moral principles of fairness and equality.
I AM including the body of the letter I sent today
Raymond Sean Walters
Post Office Box 635
Weirton, West Virginia 26062-0635
Mr. Michael Russell, Executive Director
DeMolay International
10200 NW Ambassador Drive
Kansas City, MO 64153
Dear Mr. Russell,
I hope that all finds you well with the writing of this letter.
I first attempted to call your office with questions and seeking guidance, and the young woman I spoke with gave me a couple of options to communicate my question and complaint to your attention as Executive Director of DeMolay International.
My first question was the requirements for membership for young men who may be interested in seeking membership.
Here in West Virginia, it has been brought to my attention on multiple occasions that young boys of African American or other non-Caucasian ethnicities are being denied consideration for membership in DeMolay International in West Virginia.
This move oddly parallels the Grand Lodge of West Virginia's official "un-official" mandate that NO men of African descent or other non-Caucasian ethnicity be permitted to petition, affiliate with, or even visit any subordinate lodge under the Grand Lodge of West Virginia. These violations are being committed against members of regular lodges under grand lodges that Grand Lodge of West Viriginia is in amity and fraternal recognition with.
While I understand that the Grand Lodge of West Virginia does not control DeMolay, the advisors most typically are members of the Grand Lodge of West Virginia, a grand lodge where an atmosphere of coercion and intimidation to employ racist, discriminatory tactics is at hand and used on a regular basis within that grand lodge. These negative attitudes subsequently spill over onto other concordant, appendant or sponsored youth groups operating within this grand lodge territory.
My point I truly wish to make is that discrimination against adults is one matter that adults can address in a manner they deem fit for such circumstance; but open discrimination against innocent children is a completely different scenario that is and should be unacceptable, and just may be considered so by a majority of Masonic members worldwide, beyond my own personal opinion.
While I do hold Masonic membership in another Grand Lodge, I AM writing this email out of concern for the message of exclusion that has been and is still being sent by DeMolay advisors who hold Masonic membership in Grand Lodge of West Virginia.
The current message being sent here in West Virginia strikes me as contrary to DeMolay standards and a gross violation of conduct expected of any Masonic member involved with advising any youth group.
Raymond Sean Walters
Post Office Box 635
Weirton, West Virginia 26062-0635
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Babylonian Mystery Religion/Kabbalah/Talmud/Gnostics/Templars/Rosicrucia...
I have watched this multiple times, taken notes, and am still reviewing this lecture that I have found interesting to say the least... will be back on this.
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