Sunday, April 27, 2014

Dr. Boyce: It’s Time for Black Scholars to Escape the Academic Plantation

by Dr. Boyce Watkins – Scholarship in Action

When I first thought about getting a PhD in Business, I found out about the PhD Project. This ground-breaking initiative had the simple goal of creating more black professors to sit in the front of the classroom. It was established by the KPMG Foundation, and from what I understand, might have been in response to a series of complaints about racism that the organization had received in the past.

Since that time, the group has produced scores of black scholars in the field of business, an area that is in dire need of meaningful diversity. I was the only African American in the world to earn a PhD in Finance during the year 2002, and my university had never hired a black Finance Professor in its entire 130-year history. Business tends to be a very conservative field, where black people are still locked out at every turn (the Business School here at Syracuse, along with many others around the nation, has several departments that have never given tenure to an African American, which is downright racist and shameful).

A 13-Year-Old's Slavery Analogy Raises Some Uncomfortable Truths in School

In a bold comparative analysis of The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, Jada Williams, a 13-year old eighth grader at School #3 in Rochester, New York, asserted that in her experience, today's education system is a modern-day version of slavery. According to the Fredrick Douglass Foundation of New York, the schools' teachers and administrators were so offended by Williams' essay that they began a campaign of harassment—kicking her out of class and trying to suspend her—that ultimately forced her parents to withdraw her from the school.

Read the rest of the story by clicking on the link;

Can Fox News and "Friends" put the Posse Comitatus Genie back in his bottle? by Gregory Boyce

I wanted to share a news story by my friend, writer Gregory Boyce of Louisiana of the New Orleans Progressive Examiner.

Sunday, April 06, 2014

Relief Fund for Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Massachusetts


Greetings Prince Hall Family, Friends and Supporters;
May this email find you and yours in good health and spirit.
As you may or may not know, the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge,Jurisdiction of Massachusetts is currently dealing with a serious crisis.Our Masonic Temple and adjacent land, located at 24 Washington Street Dorchester, Massachusetts is scheduled to be auctioned on April 17, 2014.

Like several other area organizations and churches we are not exempt from the negative effects of a bad economy. In our case and due largely to the actions of our past mortgage holder (Sovereign Bank), we are currently faced with foreclosure on our beloved Grand Lodge Temple. In order to resolve this terrible crisis, your help in the way of monetary donations and prayers is necessary.

If you would like to help the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge,
Jurisdiction of Massachusetts (Where Prince Hall Freemasonry Worldwide
Began) in this hour of great need with a *tax-deductible donation*, please
click on the link. "Click Here to

Please donate whatever you can and please don't be modest. No donation is too big or small. Every act of generosity is needed and appreciated. Cllick on the above link and make your donation using your PayPal account, credit or debit card. "Click Here to

*Whether you are able to make a donation or not, please forward this plea
to everyone you know. We can make it through these hard times with your
help and generous donation.*

If you prefer to use a check or money order, please make it payable to; *The Prince Hall Foundation, Inc.* and put *"Building Relief Fund"* in the memo section and send it to:
Prince Hall Grand Lodge
24 Washington Street
P.O. Box 227
Boston, MA 02121

*No act of kindness however large or small will go unrecognized.*

Thank you in advance for your generosity and support. "Click Here to

M.W. Compton R. Jones
Grand Master

Critical Reading of Masonic Literature by PGM Yoshio Washizu

This is an excellent presentation to complement his written paper on this topic, which was featured in the Second Quarter 2012 edition of The Phylaxis Magazine.

Friday, April 04, 2014

Cowan & Eavesdropper Alert!!!

Apparently, Rick Wells is still at it; perpetrating himself as a legitimate "Regular" Freemason when he is anything but that. 

He is identified as a member of United Grand Lodge of England, which he is NOT, and he submitted forged/ fraudulent documents claiming he was a member of the MW Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas in attempting to become a member of UGLE before he was found out by UGLE and sent on his way.

Brothers, this is becoming serious due to the disrepute these BOGUS individuals bring to the Craft and for the general confusion it creates for the general public.

The list of Grand Lodges being defrauded by this individual grows. As of this moment, his actions are an encroachment of the sovereignty of the following Grand Lodges and their territory:

Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas F&AM

Grand Lodge of Texas

United Grand Lodge of England

Grand Lodge of Massachusetts 

Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of California F&AM

Grand Lodge of California

Being forewarned is being forearmed!!! Govern yourselves accordingly!


Raymond Sean Walters

A link to a previous alert posted on Masons of Texas!!!!!?highlight=

Addendum: April 11, 2014

I have been unable to determine who is the bigger "mess", the bogus guys that are "great pretenders", or ineffective Masonic leadership that has allowed this foolishness to go on for so long. And I AM not choosing any side, as both GL's (PHA & Regular GL's) in the United States have shown that they have selected many incompetent leaders lacking any intestinal fortitude or a true moral compass in many instances.

As long as this was viewed as a "Black" problem, mainstream Freemasonry in America ignored it, until there started being encroachments by bogus/ illegitimate groups made up of Europeans such as RGLE (Regular Grand Lodge of England), who cannot explain what makes them so regular to anyone that asks. It was ignored for years due to men of color in general (and Prince Hall GL's) not being viewed as competent or qualified to receive the degrees of Freemasonry, when nothing could be further from the TRUTH.

These bogus groups have merged and/ or are working together, something they have not traditionally done in the past.

So that means we, as legitimate, regular, recognized Freemasons better step our games up or learn the new rules and adjust accordingly to combat this problematic epidemic we now have on our hands.


ADDENDUM::: APRIL 16, 2014

It is posted as general information to other "REGULAR" Freemasons, so that you can take due notice of & govern yourselves accordingly.